
[OPIC] 오픽노잼 CHAPTER 04 습관

growing-dev 2023. 3. 9. 11:04

오픽노잼 CHAPTER 04 습관 공부한 내용을 정리해 본다.


습관 카테고리는 일반적인 메인포인트가 필요하다.

설명/묘사 카테고리는 내가 말하고자 하는 것, 그것에 대해 어떻게 느끼는지, 그 이유를 메인포인트로 말해야 한다. 하지만 습관 카테고리는 특정한 내용을 메인포인트로 말하지 않아도 된다. 그냥 포괄적이고 일반적으로 말하면 된다.



습관 카테고리 메인 포인트에 사용하기 좋은 표현

  • No matter what, whenever I go to the bank, I always make sure to bring my airpods.
  • Every time I go to the~
  • I always check to see
  • I'll tell you what~

Whenever I go to the beach, I always make sure to bring my sunscreen

Whenever I'm home during the week, I always make sure to take out the recycling.


메인 포인트 뒤에 쓰면 좋은 표현들

  • This is crucial beause
  • This is very important to me because
  • I find this very important to me because

This is very important to me because, you know, whenever I'm at the bank, you know, the waiting time can be quite long



한 가지 주제에 대해서만 말하기

습관 카테고리에서는 그 주제에 관한 나의 행동을 말한다. 과거의 경험에 대해서 이야기하지 않는다. 질문 컨트롤을 하는 게 좋다.

You know, I don't have much time on weekdays, And so, I'm rarely home.

But instead, I usually spend time at home on weekends

Yeah는 자주 쓰지는 말자


답변이 짧은데 더 할 말이 생각나지 않는다. 

바로 결론으로 간다

빠른 비교 전략 사용한다


It's funny. I never did this before, but you know, now days, I just love doing this. I just can't explan it.



휴가 관련 질문

I prefer to spend time alone rather than spend time with someone.

I prefer watching youtube or netflix or listing to music.



교통 관련 질문

No matter what, whenever I need to go somewhere, I always take the bus.

This is crucial. It's quire rare for me to take other options.

I love 'how' I can read something while taking the public transit.

It's the only time that I can actually read.

It's interesting cos I've never liked reading before.

I still don't but I love how it helps me to kill time especially while I'm commuting


재활용 질문

I'm quite lazy so I hate having to recycle if I don't have to

I take out the recyling only when my bins are full to max

It's interesting cos I had to recycle nearly every day before

But now, with my new method of crushing everything, I recycle every 2 weeks


예약 주제

I always make a hair appointment pretty much every month.

I find this very import. It's very rare for me to skip a hair-cut.

Of course, I make other appointment as well in my life. but this one is the most important to me.

it's interesting cos I never cared about my hair before.

But these days, I fell my hair gives me confidence.


질문은 이해했지만 아무 말이 안 나오는 경우 질문에 나왔던 단어를 활용해서 답변을 시작한다.


대조하기 전략

So, when I go to the coffee house, I frequently go alone, most of the time I'm going ther to study

sometime I also go there not for official meeting, just to socialize with my friends.


Last year, I went to Japan and it was amazing! you know.. But you know one thing I didn't like about Japan it was too expensive

처음엔 좋은 점들을 이야기하고 뒤에 대조되는 이야기를 해주면 좋다. 좋은 점 -> 안 좋은 점 -> 그래도 괜찮다 고 마무리.


나의 감정, 생각, 경험, 솔직

Well, I live in a very small apartment building.

Um, so not like one of the big, uh, apartment village

There's not too much recycling going on.

what I mostly se in my area are clear plastic bags or thos green netting bags

Um, my experience overall, hasn't been clear

But I'm also aware that it's quite different in the larger apartment blocks or villages


many, much가 애매할 때 a lot of로 바꿔주면 좋다.

반복할 때, 처음에는 생각하면서 천천히 말하고 다시 말할 때 빠르게 말해주면 좋다.
